Recently the ABC had an article that covered the high temperatures for Perth in May from 1897 to current with a chart showing the values over time. I thought it would be fun to use {weatherOz} to recreate this and maybe dig a little deeper.
To start, you will need to install {weatherOz}, which currently was not on CRAN (when this was originally written) and {hrbrthemes} from GitHub as it is ahead of the CRAN version.
Now, the first question I had from reading the article was, “which station in Perth is this”? As that is not clear, we will see what is available from {weatherOz} keeping in mind that we also have Western Australia’s Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) weather stations available to us for later years as well and that the SILO data are derived from BOM.
With that in mind, let’s see what stations are available for Perth.
This turned out to be more difficult than I expected.
{weatherOz} provides a find_stations_in()
function1 that we can use with either an sf
object or a bounding box to find stations in a geographic area of interest.
For this post, I have opted to use an sf
object that I created by downloading “Greater Capital City Statistical Areas - 2021 - Shapefile” from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
## Linking to GEOS 3.11.0, GDAL 3.5.3, PROJ 9.1.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
## [1] "GCCSA_2021_AUST_GDA2020.dbf" "GCCSA_2021_AUST_GDA2020.prj"
## [3] "GCCSA_2021_AUST_GDA2020.shp" "GCCSA_2021_AUST_GDA2020.shx"
## [5] "GCCSA_2021_AUST_GDA2020.xml" ""
## [7] "libloc_219_23065bff165f0f8a.rds" "libloc_258_ca82491e8b2446a2.rds"
## [9] "libloc_259_cfca17948badcd1d.rds"
## Reading layer `GCCSA_2021_AUST_GDA2020' from data source
## `/private/var/folders/ch/8fqkzddj1kj_qb5ddfdd3p1w0000gn/T/RtmpOxhvJi/GCCSA_2021_AUST_GDA2020.shp'
## using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## replacing null geometries with empty geometries
## Simple feature collection with 35 features and 10 fields (with 19 geometries empty)
## Geometry type: GEOMETRY
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 96.81695 ymin: -43.7405 xmax: 167.998 ymax: -9.142163
## Geodetic CRS: GDA2020
## Simple feature collection with 35 features and 10 fields (with 19 geometries empty)
## Geometry type: GEOMETRY
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 96.81695 ymin: -43.7405 xmax: 167.998 ymax: -9.142163
## Geodetic CRS: GDA2020
## First 10 features:
## 1 1GSYD Greater Sydney 0 No change
## 2 1RNSW Rest of NSW 0 No change
## 3 19499 No usual address (NSW) 0 No change
## 4 19799 Migratory - Offshore - Shipping (NSW) 0 No change
## 5 2GMEL Greater Melbourne 0 No change
## 6 2RVIC Rest of Vic. 0 No change
## 7 29499 No usual address (Vic.) 0 No change
## 8 29799 Migratory - Offshore - Shipping (Vic.) 0 No change
## 9 3GBRI Greater Brisbane 0 No change
## 10 3RQLD Rest of Qld 0 No change
## 1 1 New South Wales AUS Australia 12368.686
## 2 1 New South Wales AUS Australia 788428.973
## 3 1 New South Wales AUS Australia NA
## 4 1 New South Wales AUS Australia NA
## 5 2 Victoria AUS Australia 9992.608
## 6 2 Victoria AUS Australia 217503.640
## 7 2 Victoria AUS Australia NA
## 8 2 Victoria AUS Australia NA
## 9 3 Queensland AUS Australia 15842.007
## 10 3 Queensland AUS Australia 1714329.214
## 1
## 2
## 3
## 4
## 5
## 6
## 7
## 8
## 9
## 10
## geometry
## 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((151.2816 -3...
## 2 MULTIPOLYGON (((159.0623 -3...
## 5 MULTIPOLYGON (((144.8883 -3...
## 6 MULTIPOLYGON (((146.2929 -3...
## 9 MULTIPOLYGON (((153.2321 -2...
## 10 MULTIPOLYGON (((142.5314 -1...
Finding Weather Stations in the Greater Perth Area
With that available, let’s find stations that fall within the greater Perth area as defined by the ABS. As we need API keys to access the data from {weatherOz}, I’ll use {keyring} to safely handle credentials. The query as defined here includes closed stations, since many early records may be from closed stations.
## Attaching package: 'weatherOz'
## The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
## plot
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
## plot
## station_code station_name start end
## 009000 : 1 Length:86 Min. :1852-01-01 Min. :1930-01-01
## 009001 : 1 Class :character 1st Qu.:1910-01-01 1st Qu.:2001-01-01
## 009003 : 1 Mode :character Median :1962-01-01 Median :2025-01-10
## 009007 : 1 Mean :1951-10-24 Mean :2011-09-24
## 009009 : 1 3rd Qu.:1984-07-02 3rd Qu.:2025-01-10
## 009010 : 1 Max. :2025-01-01 Max. :2025-01-10
## (Other):80
## latitude longitude state elev_m
## Min. :-32.70 Min. :115.5 Length:86 Min. : 3.0
## 1st Qu.:-32.22 1st Qu.:115.8 Class :character 1st Qu.: 17.5
## Median :-32.01 Median :116.0 Mode :character Median : 40.0
## Mean :-32.07 Mean :115.9 Mean :108.4
## 3rd Qu.:-31.90 3rd Qu.:116.1 3rd Qu.:208.5
## Max. :-31.56 Max. :116.3 Max. :384.0
## NA's :7
## source status wmo
## Length:86 Length:86 Min. :94602
## Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.:94609
## Mode :character Mode :character Median :94613
## Mean :95025
## 3rd Qu.:95607
## Max. :95614
## NA's :74
This query returns 86 stations, but some are listed with “CAUTION: Do not use these observations
Others are from a portable station, which may not be reliable.
Let’s drop these stations.
Now there are 81 stations that start on 1852-01-01 and run to current.
Map the Stations
We can map the stations within the greater Perth area to see where they fall using {ggplot2}, who the station owner is and see if they are open or closed.
I’ve chosen to add a new column to use for the legend to indicate the station data source (owner) in a cleaner fashion using the abbreviation only to save space in the plot legend.
I’ve used the excellent Okabe and Ito palette for this colour scheme as it is colour-blind friendly and easy to see here along with Bob Rudis’s excellent {hrbrthemes}.
Lastly, using {ggdark} I’ve inverted the colour theme to use a dark background with theme_ipsum
## Inverted geom defaults of fill and color/colour.
## To change them back, use invert_geom_defaults().
Visualise Station Availability
To visualise the data availability for the stations’ start and end dates, we will use {ggplot2} again.
Get Weather Data for Perth Stations
Using both the DPIRD and SILO APIs we can get weather from the mid-1800s to current.
Get DPIRD Stations’ Data
We will start with the DPIRD and DPIRD-hosted station data by creating a vector of station_code
values for stations that are NOT BOM stations using subset()
and then use droplevels()
to drop unused factor levels from the vector.
There can be some hiccups when querying station data.
It’s a good idea to wrap it in a tryCatch()
or something like purrr::possibly()
I’m a fan of using possibly()
for these sorts of issues.
It makes it easy to spot stations with errors and investigate, but more importantly, it means you can use purrr::map()
, lapply()
or a for
loop and if there is an error, you get the message you have specified and the operation carries on with the rest of the stations rather than stopping.
Now we will fill the list with weather data for the stations located in Greater Perth in the DPIRD network.
## Length Class Mode
## DFES-J BCoE 9 data.table list
## Floreat Park 9 data.table list
## Glen Eagle 9 data.table list
## Jarrahdale East 9 data.table list
## Jarrahdale South 9 data.table list
## Kings Park 9 data.table list
## Medina 9 data.table list
## Pinjar Tower 9 data.table list
## Pinjarra 9 data.table list
## South Perth 9 data.table list
## Wanneroo 9 data.table list
## Wattleup 9 data.table list
Next, bind the list into a single data frame object using data.table::rbindlist()
## Attaching package: 'data.table'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
## transpose
Get BOM Stations’ Data
Following the same method as with the DPIRD station network, use possibly()
to ensure that there are no interruptions when fetching data.
Now we will fill the list with weather data for the stations located in Greater Perth in the BOM network.
## Length Class Mode
## Araluen 12 data.table list
## Armadale 12 data.table list
## Beenyup 12 data.table list
## Belvoir 1 -none- character
## Bentley Curtin 12 data.table list
## Bickley 12 data.table list
## Canning River Weir 12 data.table list
## Cardup 12 data.table list
## Chidlow 12 data.table list
## Churchman Brook 12 data.table list
## Elsfield 12 data.table list
## Fairbridge 12 data.table list
## Floreat Park 12 data.table list
## Fremantle 1 -none- character
## Fremantle 12 data.table list
## Garden Island 12 data.table list
## Garden Island Hsf 12 data.table list
## Gidgegannup 12 data.table list
## Gosnells City 12 data.table list
## Greenmount 12 data.table list
## Guildford Post Office 1 -none- character
## Halls Head 12 data.table list
## Herne Hill 12 data.table list
## Jandakot Aero 12 data.table list
## Jarrahdale 1 -none- character
## Kalamunda 12 data.table list
## Karnet 12 data.table list
## Karragullen 12 data.table list
## Karragullen North 12 data.table list
## Kwinana Bp Refinery 12 data.table list
## Lake Leschenaultia 12 data.table list
## Lower Chittering 12 data.table list
## Mandurah 12 data.table list
## Mandurah 12 data.table list
## Medina Research Centre 12 data.table list
## Melville 12 data.table list
## Midland 1 -none- character
## Mosman Park 12 data.table list
## Mount Victoria 12 data.table list
## Mundaring 1 -none- character
## Mundaring Weir 12 data.table list
## Nedlands Uwa 12 data.table list
## Pearce RAAF 12 data.table list
## Perth Airport 12 data.table list
## Perth Gardens 1 -none- character
## Perth Metro 12 data.table list
## Perth Regional Office 1 -none- character
## Pinjarra 1 -none- character
## Rockingham Post Office 12 data.table list
## Roleystone 12 data.table list
## Rottnest Island 12 data.table list
## Rottnest Island Lighthouse 1 -none- character
## Serpentine 12 data.table list
## Serpentine Main Dam 12 data.table list
## Springdale 12 data.table list
## Stoneville Research Stn 12 data.table list
## Subiaco 12 data.table list
## Subiaco Treatment Plant 12 data.table list
## Swanbourne 12 data.table list
## Upper Swan Research Station 12 data.table list
## Victoria Dam 12 data.table list
## Walliston 12 data.table list
## Wanneroo 12 data.table list
## Wanneroo Calm 12 data.table list
## West Swan 12 data.table list
## Whitby Falls 12 data.table list
## Wooroloo 12 data.table list
## Wungong Dam 12 data.table list
## Yanchep 12 data.table list
Unsurprisingly there were a few issues along the way.
As there are a few stations with issues, I’ve chosen to use grep()
to locate the faulty stations and drop them from the list while binding it into a single data fram object.
Create Data Set for Plotting
Now that we have clean sets of data we can bind the two sets of data.
{weatherOz} intentionally sets the column names to be the same, regardless of the API queried to make this easy to do.
Using data.table::bindrows()
option, fill = TRUE
makes this easier than dropping columns that are not shared.
## station_code station_name longitude latitude
## 009572 : 49682 Length:1463701 Min. :115.5 Min. :-32.70
## 009007 : 48952 Class :character 1st Qu.:115.8 1st Qu.:-32.22
## 009031 : 45665 Mode :character Median :116.0 Median :-32.03
## 009001 : 45300 Mean :116.0 Mean :-32.06
## 009039 : 43839 3rd Qu.:116.1 3rd Qu.:-31.86
## 009105 : 43839 Max. :116.3 Max. :-31.56
## (Other):1186424
## year month day date
## Min. :1889 Min. : 1.000 Min. : 1.00 Min. :1889-01-01
## 1st Qu.:1952 1st Qu.: 4.000 1st Qu.: 8.00 1st Qu.:1952-11-13
## Median :1980 Median : 7.000 Median :16.00 Median :1980-07-23
## Mean :1975 Mean : 6.523 Mean :15.73 Mean :1975-05-31
## 3rd Qu.:2001 3rd Qu.:10.000 3rd Qu.:23.00 3rd Qu.:2001-02-18
## Max. :2025 Max. :12.000 Max. :31.00 Max. :2025-01-10
## air_tmax air_tmax_source elev_m extracted
## Min. : 7.60 Min. : 0.00 Length:1463701 Min. :2025-01-10
## 1st Qu.:18.50 1st Qu.:25.00 Class :character 1st Qu.:2025-01-10
## Median :22.50 Median :25.00 Mode :character Median :2025-01-10
## Mean :23.59 Mean :23.91 Mean :2025-01-10
## 3rd Qu.:28.00 3rd Qu.:35.00 3rd Qu.:2025-01-10
## Max. :51.20 Max. :75.00 Max. :2025-01-10
## NA's :102 NA's :51336 NA's :51336
Surprisingly, there are a few NA
values in the data, so we will drop those.
## station_code station_name longitude latitude
## 009572 : 49682 Length:1463599 Min. :115.5 Min. :-32.70
## 009007 : 48952 Class :character 1st Qu.:115.8 1st Qu.:-32.22
## 009031 : 45665 Mode :character Median :116.0 Median :-32.03
## 009001 : 45300 Mean :116.0 Mean :-32.06
## 009039 : 43839 3rd Qu.:116.1 3rd Qu.:-31.86
## 009105 : 43839 Max. :116.3 Max. :-31.56
## (Other):1186322
## year month day date
## Min. :1889 Min. : 1.000 Min. : 1.00 Min. :1889-01-01
## 1st Qu.:1952 1st Qu.: 4.000 1st Qu.: 8.00 1st Qu.:1952-11-12
## Median :1980 Median : 7.000 Median :16.00 Median :1980-07-22
## Mean :1975 Mean : 6.523 Mean :15.73 Mean :1975-05-30
## 3rd Qu.:2001 3rd Qu.:10.000 3rd Qu.:23.00 3rd Qu.:2001-02-16
## Max. :2025 Max. :12.000 Max. :31.00 Max. :2025-01-10
## air_tmax air_tmax_source elev_m extracted
## Min. : 7.60 Min. : 0.00 Length:1463599 Min. :2025-01-10
## 1st Qu.:18.50 1st Qu.:25.00 Class :character 1st Qu.:2025-01-10
## Median :22.50 Median :25.00 Mode :character Median :2025-01-10
## Mean :23.59 Mean :23.91 Mean :2025-01-10
## 3rd Qu.:28.00 3rd Qu.:35.00 3rd Qu.:2025-01-10
## Max. :51.20 Max. :75.00 Max. :2025-01-10
## NA's :51234 NA's :51234
We are only interested in the month of May, so we will remove all the other months’ data by selecting only May (month = 5
Now we need to find the highest May temperatures for each station of each year.
Using .SD
from {data.table}, we get this.
Next, create the annual mean.
Plotting May High Temperatures
Now we have a good data set for plotting.
Using {ggplot2} we can plot the high temperature for each station in May in light grey in the background with the mean stations’ maximum temperatures in the foreground. We can use {ggiraph} to make the plot interactive, similar to the ABC’s interactive version but with the extra data and greater ability to see the data points of all the stations each year.
Obviously, this data does not match ABC’s exactly, it does go back farther into the 1800s, 1852, with the inclusion of Fremantle and likely has more data in the more recent years with the inclusion of the DPIRD network data. Still, it is a fun exercise to work through getting the data, subsetting it and visualising.
Actually this function only now exists because I wanted to write this blog post and needed to find stations in the Perth metro area. ↩︎